Details: Pimsleur Approach: Gold Edition: Pimsleur Spanish Level 1( comprehensive 1). Get started instantly with access to a whole new world of learning a new language via CDs. This approach to learning a new language has been proven to be the fastest and easiest way of learning. What to expect: when pressing play you open the doors to the language of Spanish where you will listen in sequence, follow along, speak out loud and it only takes one lesson a day. Your Pimsleur Spanish package comes with 16 CDs, 2 lessons on each CD, each lesson is roughly 30 minutes.
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

For this review I very quickly played the CDs to see what to expect. Each lesson is a conversation, but with different components of conversations, or speaking parts of speech. For example, you will learn how to ask for directions; how to speak to a man or woman, how to be polite while conversing with Latinos, and much more. I was a little surprised when I first started listening to the CDs because I was expecting to learn numbers, then colors, shapes, simple house hold words, then phrases, questions, answers how they teach you in school. but this approach really is different, and more engaging than text book lessons. I started listening to the CDs as I do my chores around the house, or while cooking dinner for my family. Because these are CDs I highly recommend that you get a CD player that you can easily carry around with you, because a big one isn't as convenient.
How it works: there are two voices a man and a woman who you hear converse with each other on various topics that would actually be important to learn when speaking to people of a Spanish speaking country, or heritage. They each take turns repeating specific words, and phrases; in between spaces for you to follow along by saying what they say out loud. Each lesson builds off the previous lesson, and gives you ample ability to continue to build off what you are learning before moving on. I know this program will be even bigger or more popular if they go to itune type files that you can have on your ipod, ipad, tablet, or phone as they want this program to be accessible for people who travel via planes.
Pros: handy, easy to engage with, easy to follow along with, lots of recitation and repetition,
Cons: because this is a CD course, you need a portable CD player,
My Rating: Thumbs Up
Some people plans for higher education from abroad, it doesn't necessarily mean you need to score good grades. With the top foreign institutes, It is mandatory to learn foreign Language course so that you may learn about their culture . When I went to France for higher studies in art, I faced a lot of language barriers. Then after few time I took online classes from . I attended a French language course at beginner level. It really help me a lot to overcome my communication problem.