My Review: My kids have been playing this game for 2 years now and it is still a favorite. My 7 year old loves to play games, and loves animals, we have quiet the stuffed animal collection. This was purchased from Sea Gull Book Store back in the summer time for like $3. My 7 year old knows how to play this, and can sit and play this for a long time with the family. But my 4 year old is the one to be watching when we play this. He loves looking for the animals, and the double dominoes specifically. His favorite animal is the cheetah in this game.
We have been filming little clips every time we play just to watch Dallen's (the 4 yr old) reaction to playing and looking for his Cheetah. Joseph (the 7 yr old) loves to trick us, and stick to the rules. I've been posting our video clips on our Youtube channel, the videos from when my kids were 5 and 3 are the cutest. Take a look and enjoy some laughs with us and on us.
Pros: super fun for younger kids
Cons: I wish it wasn't card board, but its more sturdy than I thought
My Rating: Thumbs Up
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